Climate of the Carpathian Region

Home Climate of the Carpathian Region
The main goal of the project was to improve the climate database in the Carpathian Mountains region for further regional studies such as drought monitoring.  Thus, CARPATCLIM was the first international project which aimed to harmonize climate databases from different countries, the area of interest being represented by the Carpathian Mountains chain (including the Transylvanian Depression), which included parts from the following countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic , Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Moldova, Croatia, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine. The project aimed at improving the access to climate information for the region of interest, as well as the spatialization of information by harmonizing the databases between the participating countries.
  • Partners
    Hungarian Meteorological Service
    Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics, Austria
    Meteorological and Hydrological Service of Croatia
    Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
    Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute, Poland
    National Institute for Research and Development in Environmental Protection of Romania
    Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia
    Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
    Ukrainian Research Hydrometeorological Institute
    Szent Istvan University, Hungary
  • Period
    01.2010 – 01.2013
  • Financed via
    European Commision – Joint Research Centre
  • Project Coordinators
    Dr. fiz. Matei Monica
    Eng. Deák György PhD. habil
  • Completing climate databases, performing data quality control and homogenizing them
  • Harmonization of cross-border data sets and interpolation of data sets into grid points
  • Harmonization and quality control of climate data sets for each country and the development of a metadata catalog for documentation of homogenised datasets.
  • Spatial interpolation of data sets in the form of grids for each country
  • Development of the climate atlas for the Carpathian region
  • Website dedicated to the project on access to the resulting data.