Addressing the divide between the EU indicators and their practical implementation in the green construction and eco-social re-qualification of residential areas in South East Europe regions (BUILD SEE)

Home Addressing the divide between the EU indicators and their practical implementation in the green construction and eco-social re-qualification of residential areas in South East Europe regions (BUILD SEE)
BUILD SEE links the European policies in the field with the local practices of the SEE countries, taking into account issues such as: social issues, “green” urban technologies and new urban planning methodologies. The project promotes joint action between the public and private sectors and creates environmental, economic and social benefits in addressing questions about sustainable urban areas.

In order to achieve the objectives, INCDPM has carried out the following activities:
– Coordinate work package 3 (WP3) for all partners
– Establish working methodology for WP3
– Participating in the project meetings
– Making progress reports
– Organization of a project meeting in Bucharest
– Maintain effective communication with the coordinator and partners
– Identifying stakeholders and target groups at national level
– Carrying out a case study at national level
– Analysis of existing legislative and administrative gaps in the field
– Participation in the trans-national working group
– Conducting 2 public events for dissemination
– Participation in the final BUILD SEE report
– Contribute to structuring action plans, transferring knowledge via e-learning
– Participation in the launch of a permanent instrument (trans-national hub) for the transfer of innovation and efficient communication within the SEE area between public authorities, municipalities, SMEs, universities / research centers and citizens
– Participation in 6 dissemination conferences
– Contribute to 18 Newsletters
– Organisation of the final project meeting in Bucharest.

  • Partners
    Alma Mater Foundation, Bologna, Italia
  • Period
    01.01.2013 – 31.12.2014
  • Financed via
    European Commission, South East Europe Programme
  • Project Coordinators
    Eng. Deák György PhD. habil
    Biochim. Chiriac Magdalena
Creating tools and actions for the development of a city or an urban area based on ecological principles; providing public authorities, businesses and citizens with practical tools, recommendations and action plans so that the urban environment has a low environmental impact
– Country Report
– Case Study
– Best practices in the field
– Action plan.


The poster entitled “Influence of Social and Environmental Issues on Human Health and Life Quality” – authors: Radu MV, Ene C, Popescu I, Bodea L, received the 3rd Best Poster Award at the International Conference “New Tools for Sustainable Management of Aquatic Living Resources – AQUALIRES 2014 “, Bucharest, Romanian Academy, Jan 2014).